Mobil Pegasus™ 1005 reduces oil consumption

Waukesha 7042 GSI and Caterpillar 3516 T/A Natural Gas Engines
Oil and Natural Gas Company
Chubut, Argentina
An Argentinian oil and natural gas exploration company operates a fleet of 44 Waukesha 7042 GSI and Caterpillar 3516 T/A natural gas engines. When lubricating with the previous gas engine oil, maintenance personnel achieved 1,500-hour oil drain intervals, requiring them to perform almost six engine services per year. The company approached Mobil to determine a more efficient lubricant solution, capable of reducing oil consumption, extending oil drain intervals and reducing labor-related costs.
After conducting an oil performance test, Mobil engineers recommended transitioning to Mobil Pegasus™ 1005, a gas engine oil formulated with premium base stocks and advanced additive technology to deliver the highest level of protection for some of the most demanding applications.
After transitioning both engine models to Mobil Pegasus 1005 gas engine oil, the company successfully extended oil drain intervals to 7,000 hours, more than tripling the intervals achieved by the previous lubricant. Facility managers also reported a 30 percent reduction in oil consumption. Through reducing oil consumption, conserving equipment resources and cutting labor-related costs, use of Mobil Pegasus 1005 oil helped save an estimated
US $190,000 annually.
The product performance of Mobil Pegasus 1005, alongside the application expertise provided by local Mobil engineering support, is helping to improve customer productivity potential.
*This success story is based on the experience of a single customer. Actual results can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used.
*ExxonMobil shall include Exxon Mobil alliance partners.