Mobil Pegasus™ 805 helps extend compressor life

Ariel JGD-6 Compressor
Devon Gas Services, LP Bridgeport, Texas, United States
Expected compressor life between in-frame overhauls of Devon Gas Services’ Ariel JGD-6 compressor (Unit 651) is 48,000 hours. The company was interested in safely extending the compressor life beyond this interval and improving productivity.
Mobil engineers, working closely with Devon Gas Services’ maintenance team, recommended use of Mobil Pegasus™ 805 gas engine oil in its Ariel compressor.
Use of Mobil Pegasus 805 oil helped extend compressor life between in-frame overhauls to 67,000 hours or more than 7.5 years, increasing time between in-frame overhauls by nearly 40 per cent. Devon Gas Services achieved associated cost savings of US $41,667 in deferred compressor overhaul costs.
The product performance of Mobil Pegasus 805, alongside the application expertise provided by local Mobil engineering support, once again helped to improve customer productivity.
*This success story is based on the experience of a single customer. Actual results can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used.